Legends of the Live
A short form animated series that tells the tall tales, epic lore, and legendary achievements of some of our favorite creators — co-written with the help of their chat.
The tale of a hero to people far and wide, armed with the abilities to befriend anyone AND eat while gaming. Telling the legend of Pokimane and, even more importantly, her cat Mimi.
Lore states that he once sniped guy in Fortnite while playing Call of Cuty... Chronicling the legend of Ninja ... and his llama... and Marshmallow.
Born a blank canvas, raised by ocras and.... a NICE GUY! Telling the legend of TimTheTatMan, SPF50 and an 8 day journey to finish Fall Guys.
The Team
Justin Wright, Creative Director
Sam Johnson, Creative Director
Evan Freitas, Senior Copywriter
Julian Gese, Art Director
Agency Partners
Giant Ant